This work was supported by a grant of Asociación de Empresas Tecnológicas Innovalia (INNOVALIA), within DIH World OC1, under Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme.

Project Name

Monitoring environmental parameters and human influences in forest areas



Project Coordinator

Daniel Oancea

Project Overview

MEPHIFA project is an experiment that will be implemented by Tesagon in partnership with Danube Engineering Hub, in a period of 6 month. It involves creating a system for monitoring human influence in the forest area, which can also be used to record various environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, light radiation levels, air pressure, etc.

General objectives and estimated results

Given the importance of the forest environment in maintaining ecosystems and the way in which the reduction of forested areas due to economic development is already influencing environmental conditions (global warming, extreme weather events and pollution), permanent monitoring of the forest environment by monitoring parameters and human activity in forested areas is a first step towards limiting and possibly creating a reversible mechanism for forest degradation. The system is also useful to achieve a rapid response time to natural disasters (fires, landslides, floods, etc.). The proposed system eliminates human presence by analysing environmental information and signalling possible environmental events.

Consortium structure

CO – TESAGON – TESAGON INTERNATIONAL SRL, Contact person: Coman Ciprian-Mihai, email address:

P1 – DEH – ASOCIATIA DANUBE ENGINEERING HUB, with headquarters in Ploiesti, Strada Alexandru Vlahuta, nr 24, Romania. Contact person: Radulescu Irina, Tel. +40 722 596 476, email address:

Contracting Authority

Asociación de Empresas Tecnológicas Innovalia (INNOVALIA), established in Calle Rodriguez Arias, 6 – Dpto 605, 48008 BILBAO, Spain.

Grant Agreement no. 952176

Project time frame

The implementation period is 15.10.2021 – 14.04.2022. The contract ends when the contractor has fulfilled its reporting obligations and the contracting authority has fulfilled all payments stated in the contract.

Project Budget

Financing source: European Commission, under the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme

Partner Source 1 Source 2 TOTAL
TESAGON 66.500 28.500 95.000
DEH 28.500 0 28.500
TOTAL 95.000 28.500 123.500

Source 1 – Amount requested from public funds;
Source 2 – The amount representing co-financing;
All the amounts are in EUR

Project Implementation