This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, CCCDI – UEFISCDI, project number COFUND-ERANET MANUNET III-POKET, within PNCDI III.



Project Coordinator – for Tesagon

Ciprian Mihai Coman

Project ID


Project Overview

The POKET project intends to develop an innovative solution based on IoT enabling technologies, in order to create an IoT architecture as reference framework for intelligent products.The ambition is to make available to companies, in particular SMEs, an effective system to transform information into knowledge along the product lifecycle, thus improving product and service quality, efficiency and sustainability. One of the challenges is the multiprotocol configurable gateway that enables data transfer (generated during the usage phase) to the backend data system, allowing a seamless easy hardwaretocloud integration of the objects belonging to the sensing level. The main system objective is to pave the way to collaboration between the middle of life phase actors and beginning of life and end of life phase ones for technological products such as electromechanical machines, household goods, etc. By feeding product usage information back to the earlier design and production phases and forwards to support areas (e.g. maintenance), the project aims to provide key players effective instruments to create better uses, services, design improvements and then added value.

General objectives and estimated results

The objective of our project is to study, design and develop a reference SW&HW framework (POKET, solution including hardware and software components) in the contest of IoT technologies for collecting, managing and analyzing information gathered during the MOL phase of an intelligent product in order to create valuable knowledge forward and backward in the value chain. The benefits (in terms of product quality, service efficiency, operations sustainability, cost savings) for all stakeholders involved in the products value chain will be derived from the exploitation of the knowledge generated in the MOL phase. The benefits to the consortium partners (in terms of revenue, market visibility and visibility in the scientific and technological community) will result from commercial and noncommercial exploitation activities.

Small manufacturing companies need to collect data from products and transform them into knowledge along the product lifecycle but usually they have limited resources and expertise compared to a large company: best practices for large companies might be too expensive or time consuming to perform in SMEs because of their limited resources and business model. Thus the primary requirement of SMEs is to have a turnkey solution, minimally invasive and easily configurable. These are the innovative features of Poket System. The Conceptual framework of POKET Solution is based on an architecture consists of three layers: Communication Layer, Service Layer and Application layer. The main task of the Communication layer is to perceive the properties of things that are part of the IoT and communicate the gathered data to the upper layer. The Service layer is responsible for processing the received data. In addition, it is in charge of transmitting data to the application layer, that constitutes the front end of the whole IoT architecture through which IoT potential can be exploited and the range of possible applications is striking.

Consortium structure

CO – RID – RID International Center srl, with headquarters in Târgu Mureș, str. Avram Iancu nr. 37, Romania. Contact person: Dr. Coman Adrian, Tel. +40745147811, email address: adrian.coman@ridicenter.com. Funding program: UEFISCDI (Romania)

P1 – FOCUS – FOCUS INNOVAZIONE S.R.L., with headquarters in Viale del Bosco 15 72015 FASANO(BR), Italy. Contact person: Gianfranco Castrignano, Tel. 0802256905, email address: focusinnovazione@pec.it. Funding program: Puglia Region Managing Authority of ERDF European Regional Development Fund (Italy/Puglia)

P2 – TESAGON – TESAGON INTERNATIONAL srl, Contact person: Coman Ciprian-Mihai, email address: ciprian@tesagon.com. Funding program: UEFISCDI (Romania)

Contracting Authority

Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation – Unitatea Executivă pentru Finanțarea Învățământului Superior, a Cercetării, Dezvoltării și Inovării (UEFISCDI), headquarters in Bucharest, Str. D. I. Mendeleev nr. 21-25, sector 1, postal code: 010362.

Financing contract no. 94/2019

Project time frame

The implementation period is 01.07.2019 – 31.12.2020. The contract ends when the contractor has fulfilled its reporting obligations and the contracting authority has fulfilled all payments stated in the contract.

Project Budget – for Tesagon

Financing source: State budget, through PNCDI III P3 European and international cooperation, Subprogram 3.2 – Orizont 2020

YEAR Source 1 Source 2 TOTAL
2019 116.500 30.625 147.125
2020 116.500 30.128 146.628
TOTAL 233.000 60.753 293.753

Source 1 – Amount requested from the state budget;
Source 2 – The amount representing co-financing;
All the amounts are in RON

Project Implementation
